Results for Class E89

Osborne Refrigerators Double Harness Scurry Championship

Class No: E89
1st Place
Entry No:  260
Name:  Osborne Refrigerators Ltd, West Sussex, England
Animal Name: Osborne Refrigerators CHIP "N" DALE
Prize:  1st Prize
2nd Place
Entry No:  265
Name:  Kevin Merry, Oxfordshire, England
Animal Name: Eric & Ernie
Prize:  2nd Prize
3rd Place
Entry No:  252
Name:  Jemma Millman, Surrey, England
Animal Name: Tigger and owl
Prize:  3rd Prize
4th Place
Entry No:  249
Name:  Kevin Merry, Oxfordshire, England
Animal Name: Nuts & Bolts
Prize:  4th Prize
5th Place
Entry No:  256
Name:  James Starr, Kent, England
Animal Name: Equine Products Ltd Pick and Mix
Prize:  5th Prize
6th Place
Entry No:  257
Name:  Jemma Millman, Surrey, England
Animal Name: Piglet And Roo
Prize:  6th Prize